While in the Boothbay Harbor area, you should visit the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens in Boothay.  The Flagship Inn actually has a special that includes tickets to the Gardens, it is definitely worth the visit.
Check out this info from the Gardens website:  www.mainegardens.org

We’re Tops on the Top Ten!

To celebrate National Garden Month, TripAdvisor rated the Top Ten gardens in the U.S., and Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens is Number One on the list. Learn more.

Discover Gorgeous Gardens!

For a preview, see our new YouTube video!

We invite you to experience Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens’ spectacular 250-acre landscape. Our gardens and wild spaces are uniquely beautiful and always full of surprises!
Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens is open daily year-round. The Gardens Gift Shop and Kitchen Garden Cafe are now open for the season. 
To learn more about the plants at the Gardens and see other useful information, click on the FloraFind image at right.
A Year of Trees
Our theme for 2013 – Trees, Timbers and Traditions encompasses the many facets of trees and their multitude of uses.  Look for the simple tree icon (at left) that marks theme-related programs, events, exhibits, and activities. Learn more.
Visitor Information
Location: 132 Botanical Gardens Drive, off Barters Island Road in Boothbay. See detailed directions.
Hours: 9-5 daily, year-round (closed Thanksgiving and Christmas); buildings are closed weekends beginning November 1. See admission details.