Birding in Maine

Experience a unique window on bird migration along the Atlantic coast from one of Maine’s most enchanting off-shore islands. Monhegan Island’s rich forests and marshes, small size and isolated location 12 miles from shore combine to create a welcome respite to migrating birds as well as a tranquil home to 75 year-round residents and artists. Hike along the island’s trails to the highest ocean bluffs on the Maine coastline. On daily expeditions, birders can hope to spot over 100 species, among them bitterns, Indigo Buntings, peregrines, Rusty Blackbirds, Red-bellied and Red-headed Woodpeckers, Northern Shrikes and more.

• Search for hawks, waterfowl and seabirds in Lobster Cove and look for falcons along the Cliff Trails.
• Learn about the migratory habits of the over 100 species that fly the Atlantic Flyway.
• Head out to the beautiful Cathedral Woods, noted for prime warbler sightings.

Activity Notes

Walking up to two miles a day on uneven terrain