After you’ve experienced Maine’s warm, sandy beaches and spent time admiring our brilliant leaves, you’re ready to take the next step in your quest to explore Maine: Visit Vacationland after the first snow falls.
With an abundance of outdoor activities from skiing, sledding and snowboarding to ice fishing, snowmobiling, snowshoeing and skating, Maine offers a flurry of activities, December through March. Try dogsledding, even curling — In Maine there are so many reasons to say, “Let it snow!”
Hit the Slopes
Millions will attest to the quality, variety and sheer exhilaration of the skiing experience in Maine –
from the outstanding snow conditions to the beauty of our trails to the comfort of our inns and winter resorts. Maine’s ski areas offer top-notch skiing and riding for the whole family, plus Nordic trails and plenty of special events throughout the winter. Visit the Ski Maine Association Web site for more information.